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Laura and Pradeep were kicking and screaming as Mrs. No Left Turn plonked them in the centre of the kitchen. Miss No Overtaking and Mr.Hidden Bend slithered over and inspected them.

“Ekkkkkk! Ikky! Ikkkky!!" said Mr.Hidden Bend, excitedly.

“Oooooookkk!! Uukkkk! Ukkkk!” replied Miss No Overtaking, suspiciously.

“What are they saying?” hissed Pradeep.

“I don’t know, but I’m not staying to find out!” and Laura kicked over a jug of custard. It fizzled and frothed and they watched open mouthed as the custard burned through the counter top with a hiss and the poison landed on Pradeep’s phone, melting it. That was the only evidence they had!

The dinner staff suddenly gathered together and started snarling and snorting and grunting in their strange alien language and when they looked up Laura and Pradeep were gone!

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkk!" screamed Mrs. No Left Turn and ran after them.

Laura and Pradeep shot down the corridor, passed the library, the medical room, the pet hamster, and finally arrived at the school hall. Where were they going to hide? Laura nudged Pradeep and pointed at a spot. He nodded, and they headed towards it.

Mrs. No Left Turn, Miss No Overtaking, and Mr.Hidden Bend skidded into the hall. Their tongues were snaking all over the place like they were sensing the air. And that’s because they were!

“Eekekekekekekekek!” said Mrs.No Left Turn and then Mr.Hidden Bend’s tongue tapped her on the shoulder and wrapped itself around her ear - and turned it. There was a click, and Mrs. No Left Turn started talking English.

“We know you are in here, little humans! I have a colander, and I’m not afraid to use it!”

Miss No Overtaking and Mr.Hidden Bend clicked each other’s ears with their tongues (it must have been some sort of translation switch) and they started speaking English, too.

“I’ve got a spatula loaded with custard!” snarled Miss No Overtaking.

“I’ve got a ladle! Do you want to be scooped?” snorted Mr Hidden Bend.

“I don’t want to be scooped!” whispered Laura as they both clung onto the highest piece of PE equipment in the room.

Three alien tongues shot up and twirled around in the air.

“What did you say that for? They’ll spot us!” hissed Pradeep.

But it was too late. They’d been spotted. Suddenly the PE equipment started to shake and shiver, and Pradeep and Laura had difficulty holding on.

The three aliens were at the base of the climbing frame shaking it and shaking it and shaking it!

Pradeep lost his grip with an, “Arggghhhhhh!!!”

Laura lost her grip with an, “Oooooooooooooo!!!”

And they fell and both were caught in the slimy tongues of the aliens and laid gently on the hall floor.

“Thank you!” said Laura softly, “But why did you catch us?”

And Mrs. No Left Turn held up her colander and Miss No Overtaking held up her spatula loaded with custard and Mr. Hidden Bend held up his ladle and all three said, “So we can eat your brains!!!!”

“They’re zombies!” screamed Pradeep and Laura.

“From outer space!” the zombies shouted and drew closer.

The zombies were dribbling in excitement as they got closer and closer and closer. The tongues slithered towards them and, almost without thinking, Pradeep yelled, “1…2…3…!!”

And they both jumped up, grabbed the slithering tongues, and tugged and twisted and bent them. The tongues slipped and slid and slithered all over the place, but Laura and Pradeep held onto them as best they could.

“What do we do now?” asked Pardeep.

Laura had a brain wave!

“Tie them in a knot!” she shouted, and that’s exactly what they did. They tugged and twisted and tied! And the alien zombies squeaked and wiggled and squealed, but within seconds their three tongues were all safely tied together. Laura and Pradeep cleaned their hands of alien slime and high-fived each other.

“Laura!” shouted a voice. She turned and saw, “Dad!”

“Pradeep!” shouted another voice. He turned and saw, “Mum!”

The four ran to each other in the centre of the hall and hugged and hugged and hugged.

“But what were you doing out of bed after nine o’clock?” asked Laura’s dad.

“After all this is Dullsville!” said Pradeep’s mum.

“Them!” said Pradeep and Laura and pointed at - an empty space!

No aliens, no zombies, no dinner staff. Just a long, slimy trail of ooze leading towards a broken and smashed fire exit.

Laura’s dad ran over and looked out.

“I can’t see anyone!”

Pradeep’s mum looked at both of them suspiciously, “Did you make this up?”

Laura and Pradeep began to explain, but Pradeep’s mum just tutted and led him to the car, and Laura’s dad grunted and led her to their car.

If only someone would believe them!


But someone did, and he was sitting on a lily-pad in the swamp just outside Dullsville. The frog’s eyes were wide open as three zombie aliens with their tongues tied together approached the edge of the swamp, took a deep breath, and jumped in. Moments later there was a fizz and a whizz and the red meteorite erupted from the swamp, splattering water all around and blasted into the night sky. It started getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and the reason it was getting smaller and smaller and smaller was it was getting further and further away until it was just a tiny, white pinprick in the sky and then it disappeared completely.

The frog blinked and thought, “Did that really just happen?”